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Cost Action 99


European project on Food Consumption and Food Composition Data

The EU COST Action 99 – EUROFOODS “Food Consumption and Food Composition Data” was a research project sponsored by COST (European Cooperation in the field of Scientific and Technical Research). It started in 1995 and ended in 1999. Within this framework a special working group addresses issues of food composition data management and interchange. The main objective of this working group was to promote and encourage interchange of food composition data within Europe.
To achieve this goal, the working group proposes a set of recommendations for food composition data interchange using electronic media. The recommendations are described in

Schlotke F., Becker W., Ireland J., Møller A., Ovaskainen M.L., Monspart J., Unwin I. (Eds.):
COST Action 99 - Eurofoods recommendations for food composition database management and data interchange
Report No. EUR 19538, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000 (79 pp.), ISBN 92-828-9757-5 (pdf, 12 MB).

The recommendations are firmly founded on previous work done internationally by INFOODS and by national agencies and institutes as well as international standards. The recommendations include the description of food, component, value and data source. The intention has been to create a food composition data interchange model that is sufficiently generic to handle food composition data at the various levels of aggregation and with various levels of additional descriptive information. The recommendations also include technical issues such as file formats. Recent developments of software tools to support the recommendations are briefly described.

During the COST Action 99 project an inventory of the food composition tables and databases in Europe was carried out. The results are presented in the report

Schlotke, F. and Møller, A. (Eds.):
Inventory of European Food Composition Databases and Tables
Report No. EUR 19539, Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2000 (79 pp.), ISBN 92-828-9761-3 (pdf, 300 kB).

The PDF-versions of the COST Action 99 reports are presented here with permission from the COST Secretariat, Brussels and we acknowledge the copyright of the European Commission and the intellectual property rights of the authors. The publications are also available in printed form from the Office for Official Publications of The European Communities, L-2985 Luxembourg.








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Danish Extended Food Information Databank is currently under development.

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